January 2005
At the IQPC's Directed Energy Weapons conference in London, Gerald Wilson confirms that his laser system "takes between 5 seconds and 4 minutes (typically 30 seconds) to destroy a mine..."
January 19th, 2005
In Berlin, Alcatel signs a contract with European satellite project Galileo [competitor with U.S. GPS and Russian GLONASS) .
Included in this project is also EADS, Finmeccanica and Thales. (Alcatel will merge with Lucent in 2006)
Alcatel and Finmeccanica then create Europe's leading satellite- and the 3rd World Group:
Alcatel Alenia Space.
March 23, 2005
TheHill.com complains that Boeing's Future Combat System is overpriced.
"...During congressional testimony March 16, Claude Bolton assured the
Senate Armed Services Airland Subcommittee that the Future Combat Systems contract contained a provision requiring Boeing to certify its cost and pricing figures with government contracting agencies..."
The Government Accountability Office (GAO), Capitol Hill’s investigative arm, is reviewing the FCS contract. [35]
June 2005
The Joint IED Neutralizer by Ionatron, is using a directed energy discharge to zap IED land mines. The vehicles are officially sent to Iraq.
In February 2008, Ionatron changed its name to Applied Energetics, Inc
June 2005
Intelsat's IA-8 satellite, built by Space Systems/Loral, is successfully launched aboard Sea Launch's Zenit-3SL rocket.
July 2005
As described by a majority of 9/11- and 7/7 researchers, the Tavistock Institute seemed to have played a logistical role in the authorship of the London False Flag Bombings on the Subway.
One of the explosives detonated officially on a bus nearly in Tavistock Square, which was parked in front of Tavistock Institute.
The bus was operated by Stagecoach London. One of their contractors is also D|Sign, which provides the US Navy.
The CCTV system officially didn't work on this bus.
The UK Metro system is run by George Schultz' Bechtel.
The Commission of Transport is led by ex-CIA Bob Kiley, who was also CEO of the New York City Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA).
July 2005
WIRED News releases an article about mobile directed energy weapons incl. Active Denial System and Stunstrike.
July 2005
physorg.com describes a "...pulsed beam that fires 200 times per second, and can already easily burn a hole through an inch of carbon steel in approximately seven second..."
Yet another wave of ex-Intelligence or -Military Associates is reaching to the top of the 9/11 Truth Movement, now also often labelled as the 9/11 Truthling DoubleThink Movement Cult.
Among the leaders at the TOP are now ex-Rockefeller Associate and OneWorld Government Supporter David Ray Griffin (who is also running a chinese pantheism cult, inspired by Alfred North Whitehead), Los Alamos Associate Steven E. Jones (who also worked on exotic weaponry like Sonolumniscence and blocked a free energy Project "ColdFusion" in 1989), plus Archbishop Bob Bowman (Star Wars Supporter under Ronald Reagan) and Jim Hoffman (his Hoffman/Armstrong familiy received pre 9/11 StarWars/Project Trailblazer Contracts via NRO and NSA).
defenseindustrydaily.com writes about the Air Force Research Laboratory, Human Effectiveness Directorate (AFRL/HEDR) and Directed Energy Bio-effects Division
see also History of 'Directed Energy Weapons'
[updated and based on research by ewing2001 aka nico haupt, also highlighted at fcs.shortURL.com ]
August 2005
Rival Intelsat finally takes over PanAmSat Corp and becomes the world's largest commercial satellite company.
October 2005
Sina-1 is the first Iranian artificial satellite, launching on board a Cosmos-3M Russian launch vehicle from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome.
Fall 2005
SAIC reports about their "Directed-Energy Work in Albuquerque":
"...This "high-energy laser" is representative of a directed-energy weapon that could be developed to stop or disable targets hundreds of miles away...
"We currently have two capabilities on contract - Target Reflected Energy Measurement (TREM) and Target Subsystems Protection (TSP). ..."
October 2005
The Weather Modification Operations and Research Board passes - in corporate cooperation with BAE Systems and Raytheon Corporation.