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03/05/2010: Please everyone check out also my latest video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OhZbRIWW7z0, where i reflect some personals, while jiggling at the same time with oppressed details on geopolitical facts and unprofessional media scientific analysis worldwide on all this, especially what the latest situation between invisibleIzed algo- and robo traders and "greece" depends [https://ff.im/gWrcc], and why unsurprisingly [ex-]larouchians [see 'nicohistory'], try to slowdown and ignore this knowledge as well ; "'Nico Endhol' presents: Inside the Spectacle ["Multi-Matrix WLIP/WORLD ON THE WIRE-Soundcloud-Tribute NoiseStep Mashlivism mc nicomedy2010 ReMixx"]"  - also up : my *own sound quality of Nico Haupt on Jim Fetzer Show [incl. mp4 and flv download] up at https://ewing2001.blip.tv/file/3273847/. The combination mp3 will be available at https://radiofetzer.blogspot.com/ (https://tinyurl.com/fetzhaupt (mp3).


Compilation of the most significant research-"timelines" by electronic defense researcher and media scientist ewing2001,

as formerly promoted on https://friendfeed.com/ewing2001

Please follow the timeline section on the left border, or start reading

*here: https://nicohistory.webnode.com/a1842-1865/

see also https://nicohauptbio.blogspot.com/ ; ewing2001/nicopedia: best of research/reports etc.. at friendfeed https://ff.im/4g0NX ; ewing2001 video bio update 2009 https://ff.im/3HgfS ; https://tinyurl.com/eurospaceoutsidejob [9/11eurospaceoutsidejob] ; TOP 70 Most Interesting 'Power Structure' Companies and Institutions [ewing2001 ; compiled August 2009]  https://ff.im/6Y1ZP etc...


Contact: --- leave notes at https://www.youtube.com/user/nicoHAUPTSTRASSE since i retired from politics during end of 2009.


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